John Chambers
Sub Lieutenant John Minta Chambers was the only son of Thomas Chambers and Gladys (nee Minta) of Normanton Hill. He joined the Royal Naval Reserve as a probationary Midshipman on 31 Dec 1937. He died on active service on HMS Haslemere on 25 Nov 1940.
HMS Haslemere was a converted small ferry (12 passengers & horses/cars). After taking part in the evacuation of the BEF from France in June 1940 she was used a barrage balloon vessel for East Coast convoys. HMS Haslemere became famous a few weeks later on 5th Jan 1941 when the crew tried to rescue Amy Johnson, who had bailed out of a plane over the Thames Estuary. Weather conditions were poor and both Johnson and the ship’s captain died.
Sub Lt Chambers (who was 20) was buried at the RN Cemetery, Hampshire