Some local families are listed below. Where the name is underlined we’ve done and published research which you can see by following the link. We may have other information which we haven’t written up yet or don’t plan to publish. Please contact us if you’re interested or have more pictures or stories. Most of the entries are from our research into war memorials and with trying to work out who lived in specific houses.
- Adamson
- Ainsworth
- Anderson
- Andrew
- Andrews (Hough)
- Andrews (Honington)
- Allis
- Armstrong
- Ayto
- Ashton (Brandon)
- Ashton (Fulbeck)
- Atkinson
- Baggley
- Bailey
- Bainbridge
- Baker
- Banks
- Barker
- Bate
- Bateman
- Bates
- Beecham
- Beckett
- Bell
- Bellamy
- Bembridge
- Bird
- Blackbourn (Blackburn)
- Blundy
- Bonner
- Booles
- Bradford
- Bramford
- Brister
- Brown
- Burrows
- Burtt
- Carford
- Carr
- Carter
- Cartwright
- Catlin
- Chambers
- Charles
- Clarke
- Clayton
- Cleaver
- Codd
- Collin
- Cooling
- Cooper
- Copley
- Costall
- Cotterill
- Covell
- Craddock
- Cragg
- Crosby
- Crowley
- Cutts
- Davison
- Deacon
- Dennison
- Dent
- Dexter
- Dickinson
- Digby
- Dixon
- Dodson
- Dolby
- Dorn
- Doubleday
- Dove
- Drury
- Dymock / DImmax
- Edis
- Edwards
- Eggleston
- Elkington
- Ellis
- Embling
- Emerton
- Fenton
- Fisher
- Footman
- Footit
- Foster
- Fovargue
- Fox
- Freeman
- Freestone
- Gale
- Gibson
- Gilks
- Glossop
- Godson
- Gould
- Graves
- Gray
- Green
- Greensmith
- Grundell
- Guylee
- Hagues
- Hales
- Hall
- Hallam
- Handley
- Hare
- Harby
- Harmer
- Harrison
- Headland
- Hart
- Haywood
- Hedworth
- Hempsall
- Hempshall
- Henton
- Hickman
- Hickson
- Higgins
- Holmes
- Horsley
- Hoyes
- Hull
- Hunt
- Hutchinson
- Iremonger
- Jackson
- Jex
- Johnson (Carlton Scroop)
- Johnson (Leadenham)
- Jones
- Jordan
- Kelham
- King
- King Scarf
- Kirton
- Kisington
- Lamb
- Lambley
- Latham
- Lawson
- Lewis
- Lightfoot
- Lilley
- Lord
- Lound
- Loveless
- Lowth
- Lunn
- Lynn
- Mackears
- Mansell
- Marratt
- Martin
- Mason
- McCreary
- Mears
- Medhurst
- Millington
- Minnitt
- Minta
- Mitchell
- Moore
- Morley
- Mortlock
- Musson
- Muxlow
- Nappin
- Newton
- Nichol
- Noble
- Norman
- North
- Northern
- Northover
- Ogden
- Osborne
- Overton
- Palmer
- Parkin
- Parr
- Partridge
- Patchett
- Phillips
- Picker
- Pickering
- Pitt
- Potterton
- Preston / Preston Mason
- Rance
- Reek
- Pratt
- Pykett
- Rance
- Ransome
- Rastall
- Rawding (Hough / Brant Broughton)
- Renshaw
- Reynolds
- Richardson
- Richmond
- Rickett
- Robinson (Brandon Lodge)
- Robinson (Brant Broughton)
- Robinson (Hough)
- Robinson (Marston)
- Rodwell
- Rowbottom
- Ross
- Royds
- Rudkin
- Rylett
- Sanders
- Saunders
- Saxelby
- Searson
- Sentance
- Seward
- Shelbourn
- Shillaker
- Silkstone
- Simpson
- Speed
- Spencer
- Spendlow
- Spicer
- Squires
- Stevenson
- Stuffins
- Summerfield
- Swallow
- Theaker
- Thick
- Toulson
- Tunnadine
- Turner
- Vickers (Vicars)
- Waltham
- Watson
- Waudby
- Wells
- Western
- Wetherill
- Whaley
- Whiteley Bird
- Whittaker
- Whyley
- WIlkinson
- Willows
- Wills
- Wilson
- Wise
- Wiseman
- Woods
- Wright